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    Beginner's Tips: The Science of Hero Builds
Beginner's Tips: The Science of Hero Builds
Heroes in PC games. Source: Midjourney

Beginner's Tips: The Science of Hero Builds

Dota 2 is complex and strategic. Every match is different, and every hero has a unique role. To play effectively, players must understand the science behind hero builds. This guide will help beginners grasp the basics and explain how to build heroes properly. A good build can make a big difference in a match. It can turn the tide and lead a team to victory.

Many elements of build. Source: reddit
Many elements of build. Source: reddit

Understanding the Basics of Hero Builds

Hero builds in Dota 2 are about more than just picking the right items. They also involve choosing the right skills and talents. A build is a plan for how to play a hero. This plan changes depending on the game. Players should be adaptable and adjust their strategies to fit the situation. There is no one-size-fits-all build for any hero. Players need to consider the game's situation, their opponents, and the requirements of their team.

Importance of Role and Position

Each hero in Dota 2 has a specific role. These roles include carry, support, mid-laner, off-laner, and roamer. The role determines what a hero should focus on during a match. For example, it carries a focus on farming and dealing with damage later in the game. Supports help their teammates and control the map. A good build supports a hero's role. Players should choose items, skills, and talents that enhance their hero's ability to perform its role.

Position refers to where a hero plays on the map - 1 to 5, with one being the most farm-dependent and five being the least. Position 1 heroes need more gold and experience. They are usually the carry. Position 5 heroes usually play as supports. Understanding a hero's position helps players prioritize items and skills.

Item Builds

Item builds are a crucial part of Dota 2. Items give heroes additional stats, abilities, and effects. The right items can make a hero much stronger. The wrong items can make them less effective. Beginners should focus on learning which items are best for their heroes. They should also know when to buy those items.

Starting Items

The first items a hero buys are essential. These items help heroes survive the early game and secure farm. Starting items often include Tangoes, Healing Salve, Iron Branch, and Magic Stick. These items provide health regeneration and basic stats. Players should always buy starting items that help them stay in lane and farm.

For example, a hero who expects to take a lot of harassment should buy extra Tangoes or a Healing Salve. A hero who needs more mana might buy a Clarity or Mango. Some heroes need specific items to perform well in the early game. For instance, melee heroes might buy a Quelling Blade to help last-hit creeps.

Core Items

Core items are the main items a hero needs to perform well. These items define a hero's playstyle. They are usually bought in the mid-game, around 10- to 20-minute. Core items depend on the hero's role and the state of the game.

A core item might be a Battle Fury for a carry hero like Anti-Mage. This item helps Anti-Mage farm faster and deal more damage. A core item might be a Glimmer Cape for a support hero like Crystal Maiden. This item provides invisibility, which helps protect teammates during fights.

Players should always prioritize their core items. It is crucial to farm efficiently to get these items as soon as possible. However, players should also be flexible. They might need to change their core items if the game is not going well. For instance, if the opponent team has a lot of magic damage, a player might buy a Black King Bar (BKB) earlier than usual.

Situational Items

Situational items are bought in response to the enemy team. These items address specific problems. Say the adversaries have a lot of physical damage; players might buy armor items like Assault Cuirass or Shiva's Guard. If the enemy has a lot of crowd control, players might buy a BKB or Linken's Sphere to avoid getting stunned.

Situational items are essential because they can change the course of a game. Players should always consider what their hero needs to survive and win fights. They should also consider their team's needs. Sometimes, buying items that help the team is better than just the individual hero.

Hero build. Source: reddit
Hero build. Source: reddit

Skill Builds

Skill builds are how players level up their hero's abilities. Each hero has four abilities. These include three normal abilities and one ultimate ability. Players need to choose which abilities to level up first. A good skill build maximizes a hero's effectiveness in the game.

Early Game Skill Choices

In the early game, skill choices are critical. They determine how well a hero can farm, harass, or survive in the lane. Players should level up abilities that help them achieve their role. For example, a carry hero might prioritize a farming ability. A support hero might prioritize a healing or crowd control ability.

Some heroes have abilities that are strong early but fall off later. For instance, Lion's Earth Spike is a strong disable in the early game. However, it becomes less effective in the late game than his other abilities. Players must understand when to level up each ability to maximize their hero's impact.

Mid and Late Game Skill Builds

As the game goes on, players should adjust their skill builds. In the mid-game, team fights become more frequent. Players should level up abilities that help in these fights. For example, AoE (Area of Effect) abilities are usually more effective in team fights. Ultimates also become more critical as the game goes on. Players should not hesitate to level up their ultimate when it is available.

In the late game, skill builds usually maximize damage or survivability. Some heroes rely on their abilities to deal damage. Others rely more on their items. Players should understand their hero's strengths and build accordingly. They should also pay attention to the enemy team's builds. This can help them decide which abilities to prioritize.

Talent Trees

Each hero in Dota 2 has a talent tree. Players can choose between two talents at levels 10, 15, 20, and 25. These talents offer various bonuses. Some talents increase a hero's stats. Others improve their abilities. Choosing the right talent can significantly impact a game.

Players should choose talents that complement their build. For example, if a player focuses on dealing damage, they might choose a talent that increases their attack speed or damage. They might choose a talent that improves their health or armor if they need more survivability.

Talents are also situational. Some talents are better in certain situations. Players should think about what their hero needs at that moment in the game. They should also consider their team's needs. Sometimes, choosing a talent that benefits the team rather than just the individual hero is better.

Adapting Builds to the Game

One of the most essential skills in Dota 2 is the ability to adapt. No two games are the same, so players need to be flexible with their builds. They should always be thinking about the game's current state, including the heroes they are playing against, their team's composition, and the game's overall pace.

Reading the Game

Reading the game is an essential skill for building heroes effectively. Players should always pay attention to what is happening on the map. They should consider how well their team is doing and how well the enemy team is doing. This information can help them decide which items and skills to prioritize.

For example, building defensive items might be a good idea if the enemy team is getting a lot of farm. If a player's team is ahead, they might want to build more aggressive items to push their advantage. Reading the game also involves understanding the enemy's strengths and weaknesses. Players should adjust their builds to counter the enemy's strategy.


Counter-building is choosing items and skills to counter the enemy team's heroes directly. This is a vital part of adapting to the game. For example, if the enemy team has a lot of magic damage, players should consider buying a BKB. Players might buy a Spirit Vessel to reduce healing if the enemy team relies on healing.

Counter-building requires knowledge of the game. Players need to understand what items and skills are strong against specific heroes. They also need to be aware of what the enemy team is building. This information can help them make better decisions about their build.

Team Coordination

Building heroes is not just about individual performance. It also involves working with the team. Players should communicate with their teammates about their builds. This can help the team coordinate their strategy. For example, if multiple heroes on a team need a BKB, they should communicate to ensure they all get one at the right time.

Team coordination also involves sharing information about the enemy team. If a player notices that the enemy carry is building a specific item, they should tell their team. This information can help the team adapt their strategy and build accordingly.

Talent tree example. Source: reddit
Talent tree example. Source: reddit

Common Mistakes

Many beginners need to correct their mistakes when building heroes. Understanding these mistakes can help players improve their game.

Sticking to One Build

One of the most common mistakes is sticking to one build. Some players always follow the same build, regardless of the situation. This is a bad habit. Dota 2 is a dynamic game, and players need to be flexible. They should always be willing to change their build based on the game's needs.

Ignoring Team Needs

Another common mistake is not paying attention to the team's needs. Some players focus too much on their hero and need to remember about their team, which can lead to problems. For example, if a team has someone to initiate fights, it might lose essential engagements. Players should always consider what their team needs and adjust their build to help the team succeed.

Overcommitting to a Strategy

Overcommitting to a strategy is also a common mistake. Some players have tunnel vision on a specific plan and refuse to adapt. For example, a player might focus too much on farming and miss opportunities to help their team. Players should be willing to change their approach if the game calls for it.


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