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    Top 10 Items for Maximizing Farm in Dota 2
Top 10 Items for Maximizing Farm in Dota 2
Items in Dota 2. Source: reddit

Top 10 Items for Maximizing Farm in Dota 2

Farming efficiently in Dota 2 is crucial for gaining an advantage over opponents. This guide covers the top 10 items that can help you maximize your farm, with specific scenarios illustrating their effectiveness.

Hand of Midas. Source: reddit
Hand of Midas. Source: reddit

Hand of Midas

Hand of Midas is a classic item for boosting farm. It significantly increases gold and experience over time by allowing you to instantly kill a creep, turning it into bonus gold and experience. This item is particularly effective on heroes that require a lot of farm to reach their peak potential, such as Invoker or Faceless Void.

On Invoker, Midas accelerates his level gain, allowing him to access his powerful spells faster. This is crucial for scaling into the mid and late game. By using Midas on high-value creeps, Invoker can maintain a high level and stay ahead of his opponents.

Faceless Void can use Midas to keep up in levels and gold while spending more time looking for kills with his Chronosphere. This ensures he can stay relevant in both farming and fighting.

Battle Fury. Source: reddit
Battle Fury. Source: reddit

Battle Fury

Battle Fury is essential for melee heroes who must quickly clear waves and jungle camps. It provides bonus damage, health regeneration, and mana regeneration, making it an all-around great item for farming. The cleave damage from Battle Fury allows you to hit multiple units with each attack, speeding up the killing of waves and camps.

Anti-Mage benefits greatly from Battle Fury. It allows him to rapidly clear creep waves and jungle camps, which is essential for his split-pushing strategy. With Battle Fury, Anti-Mage can efficiently farm both the jungle and lanes, maximizing his gold income.

Sven can efficiently farm stacks in the jungle with Battle Fury, thanks to the cleave damage. This allows Sven to accumulate gold quickly and become a formidable fight presence.


Maelstrom offers a mix of farming speed and combat utility. The chain lightning proc deals bonus damage and can hit multiple targets, speeding up creep clearing significantly. This item is ideal for heroes who need farming speed and additional damage in fights.

Storm Spirit can use Maelstrom to clear waves faster and transition into more aggressive play with the additional damage. The chain lightning rod helps him deal with multiple creeps and heroes simultaneously, making it easier to farm and fight.

Ember Spirit benefits from Maelstrom's lightning procs combined with his sleight of fist ability to deal damage to multiple enemies at once. This allows him to farm efficiently and deal significant damage in team fights.


Radiance provides an aura that deals damage over time to all nearby enemies. This is highly effective for heroes who want to farm while being present in fights. The burn damage from Radiance makes it easier to clear waves and jungle camps without attacking each creep directly.

Naga Siren can farm lanes and jungle camps simultaneously with her illusions, benefiting from Radiance's passive damage. This allows her to apply pressure on multiple fronts and farm efficiently.

Wraith King can use Radiance to clear waves while pushing and damage enemies in team fights. The aura damage from Radiance makes it difficult for enemies to ignore him, adding to his team fight presence.

Mask of Madness. Source: reddit
Mask of Madness. Source: reddit

Mask of Madness

Mask of Madness gives attack speed and lifesteal, enabling heroes to clear waves and jungle camps quickly. The drawback of taking more damage while active is negligible during farming, as the lifestyle helps sustain health.

Troll Warlord uses Mask of Madness to enhance his already high attack speed, clearing camps rapidly and maintaining high health through lifesteal. This item synergizes well with Troll's abilities, allowing him to farm efficiently and stay in fights longer.

Luna can leverage attack speed and life steal to farm efficiently and stay on the map longer without returning to base. The increased attack speed helps her clear waves faster, and the lifestyle keeps her healthy.

Helm of the Dominator

Helm of the Dominator allows you to control a powerful neutral creep, which can be used to stack camps or push lanes. It also provides stats and lifesteal, improving farming efficiency. The dominated creep can serve as a tank or additional source of damage.

Beastmaster can dominate a high-HP neutral creep to tank for him while he farms or use it to stack additional camps. This allows him to farm safely and efficiently, utilizing the dominated creep for various tasks.

Lifestealer benefits from Helm of the Dominator by using the dominated creep to farm safely and engage in fights with an added ally. The lifestyle helps him sustain health while farming and fighting.

Power Treads

Power Treads offer attack speed and can switch attributes, providing flexibility and efficiency. They help heroes farm faster by increasing attack speed and damage. Switching between attributes can optimize mana usage, damage output, and survivability.

Luna benefits from Power Treads' agility boost, which increases her attack speed and damage, helping her clear waves quickly. The ability to switch to strength treads for more health can also help her survive ganks.

Juggernaut can switch Power Treads to agility for more damage or to strength for more health when needed, optimizing his farming. The attack speed boost helps him clear camps and waves faster.

Quelling Blade

Quelling Blade increases the damage dealt to creeps, making last-hitting easier. It is a cost-effective item that significantly boosts farming efficiency early in the game. The additional damage to creeps helps secure last hits and increase gold income.

Phantom Assassin can secure last hits more reliably with Quelling Blade, ensuring she gets the gold needed for her core items. The increased damage to creeps makes it easier to farm under pressure.

In the early game, Lone Druid can use Quelling Blade on his Spirit Bear to farm more efficiently. The bear can clear camps faster with the additional damage, improving overall farming speed.

Aghanim's Scepter

Aghanim's Scepter upgrades certain heroes' abilities, often providing additional farming capabilities. For some heroes, it can dramatically increase their farming speed by enhancing their spells or abilities.

Alchemist benefits greatly from Aghanim's Scepter, as it reduces the cooldown and increases the effectiveness of his ultimate, allowing him to farm more efficiently. The enhanced abilities help Alchemist clear waves and camps faster.

Tinker can use the upgraded abilities from Aghanim's Scepter to clear waves and camps faster with his rearm ability. The additional spells provided by the Scepter help Tinker maintain high farming speed.


Satanic provides lifesteal and survivability, allowing heroes to sustain themselves while farming. The active ability can turn the tide in fights, making it a versatile choice for farming and combat.

Gyrocopter can farm aggressively with Satanic, using the lifesteal to stay healthy even in dangerous farming spots. The active lifestyle boost can also help him survive tough fights.

Terrorblade uses Satanic to maintain his health during long farming sessions and fights. The lifesteal helps him sustain through damage and stay on the map longer.

Honorable Mentions

Shadow Blade: Useful for farming safely and initiating ganks. Heroes like Clinkz benefit from the invisibility for surprise attacks and escapes. It also provides bonus attack damage.

Blink Dagger: Helps in positioning for farming and escaping ganks. Queen of Pain uses it for mobility to move between camps quickly and avoid danger.

Mjollnir: An upgraded version of Maelstrom, offering even more farming potential. Medusa benefits from the additional chain lightning procs and attack speed.

Moon Shard: Provides attack speed, increasing the rate at which you can farm. Spectre can use Moon Shard to accelerate her late-game farm and become a more significant threat.

Crystals: Offers a critical strike chance, boosting mage output and farming speed. Phantom Assassin benefits from the increased burst damage for faster farming and more effective ganks.

Tips for Optimizing Farm

Stacking Camps: Use controlled units or allies to stack jungle camps, maximizing farm efficiency. Stacking allows you to clear multiple camps simultaneously, increasing your gold and experience gain. For example, Chen can use his controlled creeps to stack camps for his carry.

Efficient Pathing: Plan your movements to minimize downtime between camps and lanes. Optimize your farming route to ensure you're constantly hitting creeps and gaining gold. Heroes like Lycan can farm efficiently by moving through the jungle and lanes without wasting time.

Lane Control: Deny and last-hit creeps effectively to maintain control over the lane and maximize gold income. Controlling the lane ensures you get more last hits and deny gold and experience to your opponents. Viper excels at lane control, making it difficult for enemies to farm.

Use of Spells: Utilize your spells to clear waves and camps faster. For example, Kunkka's Tidebringer can clear waves quickly, allowing him to farm efficiently and move to the next objective. Using spells effectively can speed up your farm significantly.

Map Awareness: Always be aware of enemy movements and potential ganks. This allows you to farm safely and avoid unnecessary deaths. Placing wards and watching the minimap can help you predict enemy movements and farm in safer areas. Templar Assassin can use traps to gain vision and avoid ganks.

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