Streamer from Team Spirit, Kamil "Koma`" Biktimirov, clarified the situation regarding the scandal involving his team in BetBoom Streamers Battle Season 6 in Dota 2. He's unsure where the player for the "four" position came from, but he's also concerned that they're not playing on their account.
"We didn't have a player for the 'four' position in our team. I suggested bringing in Maksim "Forcemajor" Meretskii, who's an old acquaintance and friend of mine. He's around rank 500 and plays well. However, I wasn't allowed because his rating was too high. Instead, we were given two random players for the 'four' position, whom I didn't know. We ended up picking Senya [Dr1p]. I didn't know who he was, but I assumed he was someone with around 6,000 MMR who could press buttons decently. I didn't check his profile; I wasn't into that. I just play, we win, and I'm satisfied.
Nix said we had a player with a 9,500 rating named Unhuman playing in the 'four' position. I checked his Twitch, and it was a different voice. It's a completely different person.
Perhaps he gave his account to Senya, with whom we played the tournament for BetBoom. I don't know if it's his account. I don't know this guy, but I can't say he's playing at a 9,500 rating. He's not that sweaty just from pressing buttons, but his account is definitely strange. That's just my opinion. <...>
We're waiting for the organizers' decision. I wouldn't want us to be disqualified. I'd be okay if they just moved us to the lower bracket with a substitute for the 'four' position. It would be disappointing if they kicked us out. I believe we could have won the tournament." - Kamil "Koma`" Biktimirov
On April 24th, Nix accused the LenaGol0vach team of playing unfairly. He believes there's a member in the lineup who deceived the organizers by understating their rating. The next day, Levin posted various evidence of the team's wrongdoing on Telegram.
BetBoom Streamers Battle Season 6 is taking place online from April 22nd to 28th. Participants are competing for two million rubles. The tournament organizers have not yet commented on the situation with the LenaGol0vach team, while the team captain and Rostislav "rostislav_999" Protasenya deny any wrongdoing.