Analyst and streamer Yaroslav «NS» Kuznetsov discussed the practice of account boosting in Dota 2. He recommended to his viewers not to attempt to make money this way.
«If anyone is thinking about boosting accounts in Dota to make money, just forget about it. Farm shards in Path of Exile instead. WoW is very profitable for boosting. It's a very popular story there, people actually make decent money unlike in Dota. Maybe some Lineage 2...».
«I strongly condemn boosting. It's purely theoretical speculation. Boosting accounts in Dota is cringe. It requires a lot of energy and brings very little in return. I know boosters in WoW, and every time I talk to them, I strongly condemn them, I say: 'Guys, what are you doing?' But I can say that you can earn decently there», — Yaroslav «NS» Kuznetsov.
Previously, Kuznetsov compared Dota 2 to World of Warcraft. In his opinion, with every patch, Valve's game more and more resembles an MMORPG.
In late May, NS mentioned that Ivan «Pure~» Moskalenko had become friends with Roman «RAMZES» Kushnarev. In his opinion, this negatively affects Tundra's gameplay. Later, the carry mocked Kuznetsov's guesses.