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    Santa Names Best Heroes for Each Position in Patch 7.37
Santa Names Best Heroes for Each Position in Patch 7.37
Luna. Source: canva

Santa Names Best Heroes for Each Position in Patch 7.37

In his personal Telegram channel, streamer, analyst, and former professional player Alexander 'Santa' Koltan discussed the top heroes for climbing MMR in patch 7.37.

Top Carry Heroes for Climbing MMR in Patch 7.37:

- Luna  

  The developers made Lunar Blessing Luna's innate ability, enhancing it and eliminating the need to invest skill points into the aura, which speeds up her farming. Additionally, the ability previously on Aghanim's Shard is now available from the start, resulting in nearly a 4% increase in Luna's win rate.

- Wraith King  

  Once a solid carry for pubs, Wraith King now benefits from not needing Aghanim's Scepter to revive quickly. This change has preserved his win rate at 54% and even improved it.

- Medusa  

  Medusa received significant changes, including a new ability for better protection and early engagement in fights. Her Mana Shield has also been strengthened, starting with a damage absorption of 2.4 per mana point, which increases with each level.

Top Mid-Heroes in Patch 7.37 for Pubs:

- Necrophos  

  Although Necrophos did not receive direct changes, he saw a 2% increase in win rate due to indirect adjustments and item rebalancing.

- Queen of Pain 

  The key update for QoP is the shift of the talent for increased attack speed on targets affected by Shadow Strike to level 10 from 15. This adjustment aids her snowball potential, which is crucial for the hero. Additionally, she has become more resilient with improved lifesteal from her innate ability.

- Viper  

  Viper now deals more damage based on the target's missing health percentage, making him more formidable both in the mid-lane and on the off-lane.

Top Off-laners in Patch 7.37:

- Underlord  

  His new innate ability now buffs all teammates after teleportation, reducing incoming damage and increasing mobility. Despite a 1% drop in win rate, Underlord remains a top off-laner.

- Razor  

  The developers significantly boosted Razor's innate ability, Thunderhead, enhancing his effectiveness in team fights. During his ultimate, his passive Storm Surge can cause enemies to receive a lightning strike with a 36% chance and a 0.5-second cooldown.

- Axe  

  Although Axe did not receive direct changes in this patch, he remains one of the strongest off-laners despite a slight decrease in win rate.

Top Supports in Patch 7.37:

- Warlock 

  Warlock has become slightly stronger, with his Shadow Word improving at higher levels and the talent choice at level 15 becoming less obvious.

- Abaddon  

  Abaddon gained a powerful innate ability that restricts healing and regeneration for characters with less than 40% health. He excels as a position 5 support but can also be played in the off-lane.

- Shadow Shaman  

  His Massive Serpent Ward is now more durable, and the nerf to Aghanim's Shard has been partially reverted. Additionally, he gains access to disabling abilities and aspects earlier, at level 15 instead of 20.

On the night of August 1st, Valve released the global patch 7.37, which revamped depletion and blocking mechanics and significantly altered hero balance.