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    Spirit Analyst Comments on the Dev Team's Focus on Arthropod Changes in Patch 7.36c
Spirit Analyst Comments on the Dev Team's Focus on Arthropod Changes in Patch 7.36c
Mark "sikle" Lerman. Source:

Spirit Analyst Comments on the Dev Team's Focus on Arthropod Changes in Patch 7.36c

Team Spirit analyst Mark "sikle" Lerman commented on the release of the 7.36c update in Dota 2. He liked the changes and is hoping for a few more patches before The International 2024 to optimize certain aspects.

"The 7.36c update is out. I hope the trend of frequent patches continues, and we'll see a few more polishing updates before TI13, as there are still a lot of trash aspects remaining.

Overall, the update doesn't significantly change the current meta pool, except for a few heroes or builds. For instance, they've removed Meteor Hammer from the mid-lane, as Storm Spirit and Void Spirit were getting a 75% mana regeneration boost for cheap, and Arcane Boots' passive regen was nerfed by a third. Now these heroes' builds will shift, and supports will likely buy Null Talisman more often in addition to Arcane Boots.

At least three heroes will now use different aspects. I'm very pleased with the Nature's Prophet buff and find the Chaos Knight nerf incredibly amusing. Someone on the dev team seems obsessed with stirring the pot with arthropods. Otherwise, I don't understand why they touch Sand King in every patch. Stop it—it's dead. Apparently, another developer keeps losing to Warlock with the regen aspect and rushes to nerf it. Can you imagine the faces of Dark Willow spammers? Overall, there are plenty of conclusions, but right now, it's truly the year of the dragon," Mark "sikle" Lerman said.

On June 25, 2024, Valve released update 7.36c, affecting various heroes and items, including Pudge, Sniper, and Radiance.