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Beginner's Tips: Early Game Objectives

The early game in Dota 2 is critical for setting the stage for the rest of the match. Success in the early game can lead to a significant mid- and late-game advantage. This article will provide tips for beginners to help them navigate the early game more effectively.

Main Early Game Objectives

Farm and Experience

Efficient farming and gaining experience are crucial in the early game. Prioritize last-hitting creeps to earn gold and gain levels. Practice your last-hitting skills in custom lobbies to improve. Avoid unnecessary damage and try to deny enemy creeps to reduce the opponent's farm and experience.

Position yourself safely while farming, especially if the enemy has early-game solid heroes. Use abilities and items like Quelling Blade to secure last hits. Balance aggression and defence to maximize your farm without risking your life.

Always be aware of the enemy's position. They might be setting up a gank if they are missing from the lane. In such cases, play defensively and call for help if needed. Efficient farming and experience gain will set you up for a stronger mid-game.

Lane Control

Maintaining and winning your lane is a vital early-game objective. Use your abilities and items wisely to harass the enemy while securing your farm. Try to establish lane dominance without overextending.

Use the creep equilibrium technique to control the position of the creep wave. This involves manipulating the wave to keep it closer to your tower, making it safer to farm. Deny your creeps to reduce the enemy's experience and gold gain.

Pay attention to the minimap and coordinate with your support. Effective communication with your lane partner can help secure kills or force the enemy to retreat. Winning the lane will provide your team with a significant advantage.

Ganking and Helping Allies

Knowing when and how to help other lanes can turn the tide in your favour. Keep an eye on the minimap and look for opportunities to gank or assist your teammates. Effective ganking can cripple the enemy's farm and provide a boost to your allies.

Coordinate with your team before making a move. Use smoke of deceit for surprise ganks and take advantage of enemy overextensions. Timing is crucial; aim to gank when your enemy is vulnerable, or your allies are ready to follow up.

Don't neglect your lane while ganking. Ensure that your lane is pushed out, or someone can cover it in your absence. Balanced ganking and farming will ensure you remain relevant throughout the game.

Warding and Map Vision

Warding is essential for controlling the map and ensuring team safety. Place observer wards in critical locations to gain a vision of enemy movements. Vision helps prevent ganks and sets up opportunities for your team.

Prioritize high ground and rune spots forwarding. Place sentry wards to reward enemy vision and maintain map control. Regularly check and replace expired wards to keep your eye up to date.

Good warding provides valuable information and enables your team to make informed decisions. Encourage your team to buy and place wards, as vision is a shared responsibility and crucial for success.

Runes. Source:

Runes and Their Control

Runes provide significant advantages and should be controlled. Check rune spots regularly and secure them for your team. Runes like Haste, Double Damage, and Invisibility can turn the tide of battles.

Timing is critical; runes spawn every two minutes. Coordinate with your team to secure runes, especially during the first spawn. Use wards to gain vision over rune spots and prevent the enemy from quickly securing them.

Controlling runes can provide your mid-laner with an edge or set up ganks. Make rune control a part of your strategy to gain an upper hand in the early game.

Team Coordination

Effective communication and coordination with your team are vital. Use voice chat or the in-game chat to share information and plan strategies. Call missing enemies (MIAs) and alert your team to potential ganks.

Work together with your team to achieve objectives. Coordinated efforts yield better results, whether it's ganking, securing runes, or pushing towers. Listen to your teammates and be willing to adapt to the team's needs.

Team coordination also involves understanding your role. Play your part and support your team in executing the game plan. Good communication and teamwork are critical to early game success.

Towers and Structures

Pushing towers and controlling structures are important early-game objectives. Focus on dealing damage to enemy towers when the opportunity arises. Taking down towers provides gold for your team and reduces enemy map control.

Coordinate with your team for tower pushes. Use creeps and siege units to tank tower shots and maximise your damage output. Beware of enemy rotations and avoid overextending during pushes.

Controlling structures opens up the map and restricts enemy movements. Early tower can lead to more map control and vision, setting your team up for a stronger mid-game.

Roshan Son. Source: roshan-defense.fandom


Roshan is a powerful objective that can provide a significant advantage. While not always an early game focus, taking Roshan at the right time can be game-changing. Coordinate with your team and use smoke to take Roshan without enemy interference.

Ensure you have a vision of the Roshan pit before attempting so. Wards and sentries help prevent enemy ambushes. Secure Roshan when the enemy team is at a disadvantage or occupied elsewhere.

The Aegis of the Immortal provides a second life to the holder, making them a formidable force. Taking Roshan early can set the pace for aggressive plays and objectives.

Items and Economy

Choosing the correct items and managing your economy is critical. Buy items that suit your role and the game situation. Early-game items should enhance your ability to farm, survive, and contribute to fights.

Prioritise essential items that give you an edge. For support, wards and consumables are crucial. Cores should focus on items that increase their damage, mobility, or survivability. Manage your gold efficiently and avoid unnecessary purchases.

Effective itemisation can significantly impact the game. Adapt your item choices based on the enemy lineup and your team's needs. Good economic management ensures you stay relevant and robust as the game progresses.


Mastering early-game objectives is vital to improving your Dota 2 skills. Focus on farming, gaining experience, maintaining lane control, and helping your team with ganks and warding. Secure runes, coordinate with your team and aim for strategic objectives like towers and Roshan. Choose the correct items and manage your economy well. Practice these tips to enhance your gameplay and lead your team to victory. Remember, the early game sets the foundation for the rest of the match. Use these strategies to build a strong start and dominate your games.

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