In Dota 2, team fights often decide who wins the game. A well-coordinated team can wipe out opponents and gain the upper hand. Strong hero combinations with good synergy can make a big difference. Last time we observed ten most picked heroes in professional; Dota 2 scene. This article will explore ten powerful combos that can turn any battle in your favor. These combos are known for controlling fights and dealing massive damage. If your team uses them well, you can dominate your enemies.
Enigma + Faceless Void
Enigma and Faceless Void are a well-known team fight combo. Both heroes offer robust crowd control and high damage potential. Enigma's ultimate, Black Hole, pulls in and stuns all enemies in a large area. This ability lasts several seconds and prevents enemies from moving or attacking. Faceless Void's Chronosphere also locks down enemies in a big circular area. It freezes everyone except Void himself. Combining these two abilities can trap entire enemy teams in place for a long time.
How this works: Enigma initiates the fight with Black Hole, catching as many enemies as possible. Once they are trapped, Faceless Void uses Chronosphere to control the area further. During this time, both Void and other heroes on your team can attack the enemies freely. Most teams will have no chance to fight back against such heavy control.
Earthshaker + Magnus
Earthshaker and Magnus work well together when fighting enemies in close quarters. Earthshaker's Echo Slam deals high burst damage based on how many units are nearby. It stuns and damages enemies within a large radius. Magnus' Reverse Polarity pulls all nearby enemies to one spot and stuns them. These two spells used together can create an unstoppable force.
How this works: Magnus starts the combo with Reverse Polarity, pulling enemies together. Once they are stunned, Earthshaker follows up with Echo Slam, dealing massive damage. The enemies are caught off guard and unable to escape due to the crowd control. This combo is powerful when enemies are grouped in tight spaces near towers or inside Roshan's pit.
Dark Seer + Sand King
Dark Seer and Sand King are great for initiating fights. They specialize in pulling enemies into the wrong positions and dealing large amounts of AoE damage. Dark Seer's Vacuum ability pulls enemies within an area toward a single point, forcing them to clump up. Sand King's Epicenter is a channeling ability that deals damage in waves, harming all nearby enemies over time.
How this works: Dark Seer casts Vacuum to pull multiple enemies into one spot. While they are gathered together, Sand King channels Epicenter and blinks into the middle of the fight. The combined damage from both heroes can wipe out the enemy team quickly, especially if they don't have escape items like Blink Dagger or Force Staff.
Phoenix + Mars
Phoenix and Mars are a potent combo for controlling large areas and turning fights in their favor. Mars' ultimate, Arena of Blood, creates a circular barrier that blocks enemy movement and attacks. Enemies caught inside are trapped and can't move out quickly. Phoenix's ultimate, Supernova, turns Phoenix into a burning sun that deals damage over time. If the enemy doesn't destroy the egg in time, it explodes and stuns all nearby enemies.
How this works: Mars casts Arena of Blood to trap the enemies inside the arena. This makes it difficult for them to escape. Phoenix then casts Supernova inside the arena. The enemies are forced to either attack the egg or try to flee, but with the walls of Mars' arena blocking them, they usually can't destroy the egg in time. The egg then explodes, stunning all enemies and allowing your team to deal more damage or finish them off.
Tidehunter + Jakiro
Tidehunter and Jakiro are great for dealing with grouped-up enemies. Tidehunter's Ravage is a significant AoE stun that hits all nearby enemies. It has a wide range and can catch an entire team in a fight. Jakiro's Macropyre creates a path of fire that damages all enemies standing in it over time. Jakiro also has Ice Path, a spell that creates a line of ice, stunning any enemies caught in it.
How this works: Tidehunter initiates the fight, using Ravage to stun all enemies. After the enemies are stunned, Jakiro casts Ice Path and Macropyre on top of them. This combination of crowd control and damage-over-time effects makes it hard for the enemy team to survive. The burn damage from Macropyre will melt their health while they are stunned, leaving them vulnerable to your team's follow-up attacks.
Warlock + Chaos Knight
Warlock and Chaos Knight can create overwhelming chaos in team fights. Warlock's ultimate, Chaotic Offering, summons a mighty Golem that stuns all enemies in its area. The Golem is strong and deals a lot of damage, making it hard to ignore. Chaos Knight's Phantasm creates multiple illusions of himself, making him difficult to target. The illusions deal significant damage, making Chaos Knight a considerable threat in fights.
How this works: Warlock casts Chaotic Offering, stunning all enemies and summoning the Golem. While the enemies are stunned, Chaos Knight uses Phantasm to summon his illusions and overwhelm the enemy team. The combined damage from the Golem and the illusions can quickly destroy squishy heroes. The confusion caused by multiple units also makes it hard for the enemy to focus on the real threats.
Disruptor + Naga Siren

Disruptor and Naga Siren offer powerful zoning and control during team fights. Naga Siren's Song of the Siren puts all nearby enemies to sleep, stopping them from moving or attacking. This gives Disruptor time to set up his abilities. Disruptor's ultimate, Static Storm, silences all enemies in its area and deals damage over time. His Kinetic Field creates a circular barrier that traps enemies inside.
How this works: Naga Siren uses Song of the Siren to put the enemy team to sleep. Disruptor places his Kinetic Field and Static Storm on top of the enemies during this time. When the sleep ends, they are trapped inside the Kinetic Field and silenced by Static Storm. The enemies can't use their spells or items and are stuck taking damage from Disruptor's ultimate. This leaves them vulnerable to attacks from the rest of your team.
Puck + Gyrocopter
Puck and Gyrocopter can deal heavy AoE damage and control in team fights. Puck's ultimate, Dream Coil, stuns and damages enemies in an area if they move too far from the center. Gyrocopter's Call Down is an area-targeted ability that launches two missiles, dealing damage and slowing all enemies hit. Gyrocopter also has a Flak Cannon, which allows his attacks to hit all nearby enemies.
How this works: Puck initiates the fight with Dream Coil, holding enemies in place. Gyrocopter follows up with Call Down, hitting all enemies in the Dream Coil with both missiles. The slow from Call Down makes it harder for enemies to escape the Dream Coil, so they take additional stuns and damage. Gyrocopter can then activate Flak Cannon to hit all enemies around him, dealing even more damage to everyone caught in the fight.
Invoker + Legion Commander
Invoker and Legion Commander are a deadly single-target combo that can delete an enemy hero in seconds. Legion Commander's Duel locks her and a target in a fight to the death, preventing either from escaping. Invoker's Cataclysm ability, part of his Sun Strike spell, launches two beams of light at all enemy heroes, dealing pure damage to anyone hit.
How this works: The Legion Commander initiates the use of Duel on a critical enemy target, trapping them in place. Invoker then casts Cataclysm, which sends two Sun Strikes to hit all enemy heroes. The target of Legion's Duel will usually be hit by both Sun Strikes, dealing massive damage. This can often kill the enemy instantly, giving Legion Commander extra Duel damage and removing a key hero from the fight.
Void Spirit + Elder Titan
Void Spirit and Elder Titan are a potent combo for locking down enemies and dealing burst damage. Void Spirit's Aether Remnant pulls enemies toward it, making them easier to catch. Elder Titan's ultimate, Earth Splitter, creates a line that deals damage based on a percentage of the enemy's health and slows them.
How this works: Void Spirit uses Aether Remnant to pull enemies into position. Elder Titan follows up by casting Earth Splitter across the fight. The pull from Aether Remnant ensures that enemies are caught in the center of Earth Splitter, taking heavy damage and being slowed. This combo is especially effective against tanky heroes, as Earth Splitter scales with the enemy's max health.