Team Spirit's streamer, Kamil "Koma`" Biktimirov, delved into the intricacies of laning dynamics in Dota 2. He advocates for an aggressive approach once heroes reach their power spikes, stressing the significance of timing and itemization in maximizing impact on the battlefield.
"On every hero, there's a certain power spike. It could be Phase Boots or Orb of Corrosion. Once you get those, you can start playing boldly. Before that, focus on farming. Maybe give your opponents a couple of pokes. There's a power peak in the game like Juggernaut hitting level three. By level five, you need Phase Boots and Blade Fury at level three. For Lifestealer, it's simply Phase Boots. After buying them, you're very strong, regardless of your level.
Every hero has a power spike, and you should consciously strive to reach it without dying beforehand." - Kamil "Koma`" Biktimirov
In Dota 2, the "carry" is a specific role that refers to a hero who is primarily responsible for dealing high damage output and scaling in power as the game progresses. The carry hero's primary objective is to farm gold and experience, accumulate items, and ultimately become a formidable force in the late game, capable of carrying their team to victory.
Previously, Koma` listed the top carries in patch 7.35d, suggesting players pay attention to heroes like Razor and Luna.