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Five candidates to replace Raddan


Alan "Satanic" Gallyamov is considered a strong candidate for Team Spirit's roster. He has been the standout player for Yellow Submarine, a team frequently highlighted over the past year. As a promising young carry, he is gradually gaining experience on the professional stage. 

The appeal of Gallyamov extends beyond his potential; his integration into Team Spirit could be relatively straightforward. Yellow Submarine is managed by Team Spirit's Dmitry "Korb3n" Belov. Throughout the season, Korb3n hinted that acquiring the young carry would be expensive for other teams. It was widely assumed that Satanic had signed with Yellow Submarine, but recent statements from Belov suggest that Gallyamov has joined on a loan basis. This implies that integrating him into the main roster of Team Spirit could be cost-effective for the club, a situation that would likely excite Satanic. Therefore, he could be an ideal candidate for the early months of the new season. 

Furthermore, since Raddan has not retired and hasn’t joined another team, there remains a chance he could return to the roster even during the current season. This could cast a shadow over any new carry at Team Spirit, including the possibility of Mulyarchuk's return. Many established carries might find this situation less appealing, but for Satanic, it's a significant opportunity regardless of the circumstances.


Amid rumours of Anton "dyrachyo" Shkredov's departure from Gaimin Gladiators and his cryptic message about an imminent announcement, the possibility of his transfer to Team Spirit is worth considering.

Shkredov's achievements and trophies on the tier-1 scene over the past three seasons speak volumes about his capabilities. He is known for his adaptability and ability to fit into different team dynamics, often contrasting with the typical approach seen in the CIS region. Team Spirit, with its European-influenced communication style, could be a good match for him. Additionally, dyrachyo's impressive media presence adds value to any team.


Ivan "Pure~" Moskalenko emerged as a major star at The International and arguably holds the title of the best carry at present. He is likely to be one of the most sought-after players in this transfer window. Similar to Raddan, Pure~ excels in both aggressive and farming roles, demonstrating skill, experience, and media appeal. His potential addition to Team Spirit would certainly be intriguing.


Nikita "Munkushi~" Chepurnykh is not as high-profile as the previous candidates, but he had a solid season and showed significant personal growth. Team Spirit has a history of developing talent rather than recruiting established tier-S players, as seen with Raddan and Larl. Munkushi~ could be the unpolished gem needing the right environment to reach his full potential. Moreover, acquiring a player from a tier-1.5/tier-2 team is generally more feasible and contract negotiations might be easier.


Ilya "Kiritych" Ulyanov is a less obvious choice. He had a challenging season with, with much of the criticism directed at his role as carry. However, Kiritych remains young and promising. He needs to find the right team and a strong support structure. There is a sense that Kiritych could blend well with Team Spirit’s vibe, as he is eager to learn and adapt. He might not be the star player, but he could fit harmoniously into the team's existing structure and rules.

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