Valve has revamped the hero ban system in Dota 2’s ranked matchmaking to simplify and streamline the process. However, as typical of Valve, the new system replaces an old, complicated system with a new, differently complicated one. Here’s how to set up your bans in Dota 2 7.35d and why Valve chose to rework the system.
How the New Bans System Works
The new ban system begins outside the game within the Dota 2 client. Players can select four heroes as their default bans, which will remain consistent across matches and game modes. At the start of each game, Dota 2 will randomly select one of the four heroes to ban. Additionally, the random bans based on win rates in your bracket will persist, maintaining the same total number of bans pergame.
Setting Up Your Hero Bans List in Dota 2
To set your new hero ban list, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to the Heroes Tab;
2. Click on the Four Ban Slots in the Top Right;
3. Select One Hero for Each Slot;
4. To Change Bans, Click the Slot Again and Select a New Hero.
Note that empty slots can still be chosen by the randomized system, which will result in no ban at all. Therefore, it’s advisable to use every slot. Additionally, heroes make a funny noise when you select them as a ban, so feel free to click through the cast and hear all 124.
Why Valve Implemented a New Bans System
The changes may seem peculiar initially, but Valve outlined the reasons for the new hero ban system in an introductory blog post.
First, the old system had several issues:
- Players had to make an important decision immediately upon loading into a game, leading to potential mistakes like forgetting to ban, banning the wrong hero, or accidentally picking instead of banning;
- The system incentivized the use of third-party draft cheats like Overplus, which are now officially banned.
The new system addresses these issues by:
- Requiring players to ban heroes before the match starts, reducing the chance of mistakes;
- Eliminating one of the many decisions players must make before the game begins, reducing analysis paralysis as players previously scrutinized the lobby for hero spammers;
- Mitigating the potential for “draft assistant” cheats by setting bans in advance.
By streamlining the ban process and reducing the reliance on in-game decisions, Valve aims to create a more efficient and fair banning system for all players.