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Windranger. Source: canva

Meta The International 2024

The International continues to set new trends each year, offering not only professional Dota 2 matches, but also a chance to observe the current meta and builds from top players. In this article, we'll discuss the key meta shifts seen at this year's tournament and their impact on public games.

Windranger’s win rate has been steadily increasing, appearing in tournaments like Riyadh Masters 2024 and FISSURE Universe Ep 3. Following buffs to her Whirlwind aspect, her win rate shot up, reaching 55% across 29 games at The International 2024. This surge in popularity is due to both her versatility and the continued relevance of Gleipnir, which remains a meta item despite nerfs. It works well on several ranged heroes, including Windrunner, Mirana, and Lina.

Mirana’s presence was expected. With buffs to her Solar Flare aspect, she now provides massive damage and attack speed boosts. Her elusiveness and long-range attacks make her difficult to deal with, as seen in her 64.29% win rate across 28 games. Meanwhile, Lina counters both Mirana and Windrunner, using her superior attack range and Fiery Soul to maintain map control.

Luna, though previously overlooked, has risen in popularity thanks to players like Slovakia’s skiter from Falcons, who showcased her potential in the late game. Her strength now lies in the magical damage from Eclipse, boosted by Aghanim’s Scepter and Lucent Beam talents, achieving a 77.78% win rate across 18 games.

Kunkka, revitalised by changes to his Aghanim’s Scepter, saw his win rate soar to 60% during the tournament. His ultimate remains a strong counter to burst damage, and his item versatility makes him a flexible pick, capable of building both aura items and damage-heavy options. He’s been played in both the mid and off-lane, with Collapse even showing a mid Kunkka.

Sniper, popular as a position four pick, has struggled with just a 37.50% win rate. While the concept of using Shrapnel with the Scattershot aspect to win lanes seems promising, SniperSniper often fails to impact the game post-laning phase. His Aghanim’s Scepter has been weakened, and his lack of significant crowd control or scaling makes him a weaker support option compared to heroes like Snapfire or Tusk.

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