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Nisha. Source: midjourney

Nisha: “I would like to see more updates”

The International champion and mid-laner for Team Liquid, the Polish player Michał "Nisha" Jankowski, gave a brief interview after a match and shared his thoughts on the frequency of updates, noting that they don’t come as often as he would like.

"I like that small updates are being released, but in my opinion, there aren't enough of them. Also, it seems to me that these patches aren’t doing what they’re supposed to. For example, they recently nerfed Wraith King, but Dragon Knight, a hero who has been picked first in every match for the past month, hasn’t been touched at all. Perhaps Valve is trying to improve heroes that are less popular in professional matches. I would be happy if patches came more frequently and buffed some of my favourite heroes. <...>
I would like to see changes to the map. It's starting to feel a bit stale. Also, I wish the vision at night was better."

BLAST Slam I is taking place from November 26 to December 1 in Copenhagen, Denmark. The tournament’s total prize pool is $1 million.

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