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Mirana. Source: canva

Saksa on Mirana has a critical bug with Leap

During the first map of the tiebreaker match against G2 Invictus Gaming at The International 2024, Martin "Saksa" Sazdov, the stand-in for Tundra Esports, encountered a bug. At one point, Saksa, playing Mirana, lost access to Aghanim's Shard and the ability to use Leap.

The bug occurred in the 47th minute of the game after Saksa and other players were forced to leave and reconnect to the server. When the game resumed, it was rolled back by one minute. Mirana’s Aghanim's Shard and Leap ability were restored, but the positions of the characters on the map had changed, with all players being relocated to their fountains.

The International 2024 is being held from September 4 to 15 in Copenhagen, Denmark. The prize pool for the tournament, which grows with the sales of the compendium and its levels, stands at $2.4 million at the time of publication.

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