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Sneyking. Source:

Sneyking is very passive on lane

Russian esports player and streamer for Team Spirit, Kamil "Koma'" Biktimirov, shared his views on the playstyle of Jingjun "Sneyking" Wu from the World Team Falcons.

He described Sneyking's approach to playing the five position as quite standard. Sneyking often picks heroes like Mirana or Naga Siren, and plays a more passive, scaling role. Biktimirov noted that Sneyking focuses on trading with the enemy support and punishing mistakes rather than being overly aggressive. He manages his lane well without feeding, engages in trades, and pulls creeps effectively.

Biktimirov acknowledged Sneyking as a strong and consistent five position player who has performed reliably over time. He admitted that while Sneyking's playstyle might initially seem passive, it is effective and successful.

He also commented on the current meta for five position supports, noting that purchasing certain items is now nearly impossible. According to Biktimirov, five position heroes generally have a fixed build, often revolving around items like Guardian Greaves or Aghanim's Scepter. He observed that alternative items like Solar Crest or Force Staff can still be impactful, but buying anything unconventional is quite challenging. Conversely, he feels that core heroes have more flexibility in their item builds.

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