The manager of the Natus Vincere and NAVI Junior teams, Zhanna 'Ryzhaya' Batkovna, shared on her personal Telegram channel that the organisers of Clavision: Snow Ruyi requested a change to Arman 'Malady' Orazbaev's Steam nickname. She reported that Arman initially changed his nickname to Baki, but he was unhappy with it and switched to Mao Zedong. However, this new nickname led to immediate action from local streamers who reported his Steam account, resulting in it being blocked by the local platform. The organisers intervened, requesting that he avoid using the nickname "Greatman" to prevent blocking of the official broadcast.
In esports, players typically have official nicknames for tournaments, with restrictions generally limited to avoiding offensive language. In regular matches and on Steam, players can choose any nickname without restrictions. However, the tournament organisers asked not to use the nickname "Mao Zedong," even in unofficial matches.