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Wraith King. Source:

"The Tank That Can Handle Everything" - VooDooSh Explains Why Wraith King Is a Weak Carry

The content creator from Russia, Alexander "VooDooSh" Shalchinov, shared his opinion with viewers during his personal Twitch stream about a character in Dota 2, Wraith King.

"Why is Wraith King such a weak carry hero? Because he's primarily a bruiser. And strong carries are mostly agility-based: Slark, Phantom Assassin, Spectre, Luna. WK - he's a tank, capable of dealing damage through crits and summons. He's not exactly a "hard carry," but he's not a support either. He's something in between. A farming "semi-carry." [...] The hero is focused on team fights, on respawn, on spreading stuns. A tank that can handle everything. [...] It's difficult to come up with the optimal position for him."

Earlier during his personal Twitch stream, Shalchinov also commented on people who prefer Dota 2 over other games.

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