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What are Universal Heroes in Dota 2?

Universal Heroes are a new type of hero attribute introduced in Dota 2 patch 7.33. This category of heroes does not have a primary attribute like Strength, Agility, or Intelligence. Instead, Universal Heroes benefit equally from all three attributes, making them uniquely powerful and versatile.

Understanding Universal Heroes

Definition: Universal Heroes is a new attribute category where heroes do not have a primary attribute. They gain benefits from Strength, Agility, and Intelligence, which makes them adaptable and robust in various scenarios.

Current List of Universal Heroes:

- Abaddon;

- Bane;

- Batrider;

- Beastmaster;

- Brewmaster;

- Broodmother;

- Chen;

- Clockwerk;

- Dark Seer;

- Dark Willow;

- Dazzle;

- Enigma;

- Invoker;

- Io;

- Lone Druid;

- Lycan;

- Magnus;

- Marci;

- Mirana;

- Nyx Assassin;

- Pangolier;

- Phoenix;

- Sand King;

- Snapfire;

- Techies;

- Vengeful Spirit;

- Venomancer;

- Visage;

- Void Spirit;

- Wind Ranger;

- Winter Wyvern.

The Mechanics of Original Attributes

To understand Universal Heroes, it’s essential to grasp how the original attributes work:

- Strength: Each point provides 22 max health and 0.1 health regeneration;

- Agility: Each point increases armor by 1/16th and attack speed by 1;

- Intelligence: Each point gives 12 max mana, 0.05 mana regeneration, and 0.1% magic resistance.

For heroes whose primary attribute matches their items or talents, each point in that attribute also provides one point of damage. 


- A Strength hero like Pudge with Drum of Endurance gets 154 health, 0.7 health regen, 84 mana, 0.35 mana regen, 0.7% magic resistance, and 7 damage from the 7 Strength;

- An Agility hero like Phantom Assassin gets all the same benefits except the damage boost from Strength or Intelligence.

Why Universal Heroes Are Strong

Universal Heroes receive 0.7 damage for each point of Strength, Agility, or Intelligence, making them highly versatile and powerful. 

Example with Drum of Endurance:

- Invoker (Universal Hero): Receives 154 health, 0.7 health regen, 84 mana, 0.35 mana regen, 0.7% magic resistance, and 4.9 damage from both Strength and Intelligence, totaling 9.8 additional damage.

This ability to derive significant benefits from all attributes makes Universal Heroes extremely adaptable and often stronger in various situations compared to traditional heroes, who rely heavily on their primary attributes for damage boosts.

Impact of Universal Heroes

The introduction of Universal Heroes adds a new layer of strategy to Dota 2, allowing players to experiment with different item builds and roles for these versatile heroes. Their adaptability can make them strong in multiple roles and situations, making them a valuable asset to any team composition.

In summary, Universal Heroes is a groundbreaking addition to Dota 2, offering a fresh dynamic to the game. Their ability to gain damage from all attributes while enjoying the benefits of Strength, Agility, and Intelligence makes them uniquely powerful and versatile, reshaping strategies and gameplay.

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