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skiter. Source:

He's just the worst of the best, but he's the best of the worst

In a personal Twitch stream, Alexander 'Nix' Levin praised the carry player from Team Falcons, Oliver 'skiter' Lepko, for his performance in the grand final of FISSURE Universe: Episode 3.

Levin commended Lepko’s decision not to engage in fights during the final match against Team Spirit. He noted that whether Lepko made the call himself or it came from his team, his understanding of the game and patience were impressive. Levin acknowledged that while Lepko’s approach might sound simple, it effectively forced Slardar from Team Spirit to wait, allowing Lepko's team to fight without him. He admired Lepko for this strategic move and praised him for it.

Following this, Levin attempted to explain why he did not consider Lepko to be a top-tier carry by comparing him to the champion of The International 2022, Amer 'Miracle-' Al-Barkawi, and other notable players like Ilya 'Yatoro' Mulyarchuk. Levin described Lepko as not being among the very best, but rather as "the best of the worst". He highlighted that while Lepko might not excel in all aspects of the game, his performance was sufficient for his team due to the strength and understanding of the other players around him. Levin acknowledged that Lepko might not have the best micro skills or laning phase and that his style is somewhat limited, but he still contributes significantly.

Levin emphasised that he did not view Lepko as "terribly weak" but as someone who performs adequately within his role. He made a comparison to a football fan who might prefer star players like Ronaldo or Messi over someone like Pavel Pogrebnyak, illustrating his point with a personal anecdote. He expressed a desire to see players like Miracle- or Yatoro succeed and be recognised as the best.

Previously, Team Falcons secured first place at FISSURE Universe: Episode 3 by defeating Team Spirit in the grand final. Captain of Team Spirit, Yaroslav 'Miposhka' Naidenov, had acknowledged that his team approached the tournament primarily as a training opportunity.

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